Multimedia Ministry Information- This ministry produces audio cd's/tapes and video tapes of the church services and messages. It is best to purchase a cd/tape directly after the service however, if you wish to purchase a cd/tape from a previous service, you may contact us at 715-0012 or via the contact us form (found under the about us section of this website) Please note that not all cd's/tapes from a previous service are still available for purchase. Please have the service date ready when ordering.

Divine Grace Ministries Youth Group- The focus of the DGM Youth Group is to minister to youth ages 13 through 18. Youth Directors James and Tiffany Patrick meet with the youth group every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Every fourth Sunday, the youth handle the ushering during service. Additionally, the youth directors and their team schedule exciting new activities throughout the year. Our youth directors also oversee the Childrens Ministry which includes Children under the age of 13.

Childrens- The Children's Ministry includes Children under the age of the 13. Including activities for Nursery, Preschool, and Elementary aged Children. Some of these activities include: praise dance, junior ushers, childrens church, etc.

Ministry Outreach Forum (M.O.F)- This ministry targets the college and career crowd, ages 18 to 30. M.O.F conducts a weekly bible study, and also gives young adults the opportunity to fellowship outside of church service through a variety of activities, (i.e. playing games, trips, and of course ministering to the spiritual needs of the group's members).

C.O.R.E Group- This group functions primarily as a drivers and champions for church ministries programs. The Promotion of general well being and progress of the vision and ministry goals are an essential part of the overall objectives of C.O.R.E. members. The chief objective of C.O.R.E. is to work by faith as on to the LORD for all his purposes while advancing the membership, ministry, and the will of God through Jesus Christ in the Local Church.

Music Ministry- Praise and Worship, Arts, Drama, and Musical Events

Evangelism- This ministry is focused on fulfilling the "Great Commission". They hold bi-weekly sessions that focus on teaching people how to witness to others biblically and effectively.

Deliverance Ministry- This ministry is focused on the general well being and care of the membership as well as the community at large. Teaching bible concepts for enrichment and stability for Christian life.
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The 7 Schools of Perfecting Purpose

School of Prophecy Spiritual Gifts

School Of Prophetic Evangelism- Evangelist Aretha Pettigrew

School of Restoration Recovery- Elder Roy Moore

School of Deliverance- Elder Ishmael Milton

School of Media Ministry Arts and Drama Outreach- Elder Ja ‘Van Johnson

School of Intercessory Prayer

School of Ministries Training and Preparation- Apostle Bobby G. Johnson
C.O.R.E. Members Group

(Caring, Organized, Resourceful, Enthusiastic)

This group functions primarily as a drivers and champions for church ministries programs. The Promotion of general well being and progress of the vision and ministry goals are an essential part of the overall objectives of C.O.R.E. members. The chief objective of C.O.R.E. is to work by faith as on to the LORD for all his purposes while advancing the membership, ministry, and the will of God through Jesus Christ in the Local Church.

C.O.R.E Group Facilitators

Evangelist Aretha Pettigrew (Evangelistic Outreach)

Evangelist Barbara Caldwell (Benevolence Ministry)

Missionary Deanne Taylor (Financial Recording Administrator)

(Ministry of Helps-Food Bank Admin)

Deacon Johnny Butler (Transportation Ministry)

Deacon John Bray (Building/Groundskeeper)

Mother Gwen Green (Hospitality/ Membership Ministry)

 School of Ministry Bible Institute
5 Trimester Courses

Class of 2013
Trimester 1: Orientation 1-13-2013-1.5 hours, 12 week course
Trimester 2: Orientation TBA 1.5 hours 12 weeks 
Trimester 3: Orientation TBA 1.5 hours 12 weeks
Trimester 4: Orientation TBA 1.5 hours 12 weeks
Trimester 5: Orientation TBA 1.5 hours 12 weeks
Tuesdays meeting time 7:00pm-8:30pm

Accredited through International Schools of Ministry

Instructors: Elders Dale and Pat Sypho
Tuition Course call: 810-715-0012 for information